Attaining a goal, regardless of size, always brings with it a rewarding feeling of accomplishment. Although the goal morphed from it's inception, the crystallization provided focus that made the final leg of the journey more significant, not much different than the "home stretch" on a run or bike ride. I confess that pride resonates strongly within my chest with the realization of something that started awash in trepidation over how my thoughts would be greeted. Once I broadcasted for all to read, and the feedback, I am content with the job that was done.
Having stated that, there are still things to say. There are memories that have not yet been shared, experiences not yet recounted, noteworthy events not yet itemized, and they will serve as the fertile grounds that will germinate future posts. If you are a faithful reader, the expose of those writings will have to wait, and I apologize for the anticipation that announcement may conjure. The longer I ponder what I have not yet shared, the more those thoughts birth others, creating an expanding list of future posts.
So, the question that may be asked is, "What have you learned?"
I have learned that I have led a blessed life that was full of things worthy of sharing.
I have learned that I made some solid choices over the years, leading to sources of great joy.
I have learned that I am capable and competent and had much to offer those around me.
I have learned that I have been gifted vast amounts of love and connection, both familial and in friendship.
I have learned that there is far more to life than the accumulation of material gains.
I have learned that I am content with my station in life and how I see the remainder playing out.
I have learned that I am never too old to learn new things, a fact that is both uplifting and exhilarating.
I have learned that the source of my contentedness is, and always was, internal rather than external.
I have learned that while my passion for service was feverous, I am content to step back to a support role.
I have learned that I'm more of a "glass half full" type, and I find wonderfulness all around me.
I have learned that there are things I am passionate about that need to be brought to the front burner.
As I alluded in a previous post, the task at hand will be learning how to properly format a series of writings into a form that will be easier to bind into a keepsake, along the lines of a "Chicken Soup for the Soul" format. I erringly thought that it was a simple task but, once again, that wonder of the Internet has provided me pause. It won't be daunting, but it will take time and effort. In the end, what materializes is yet another challenge ... another mountain to climb ... another step outside the comfort zone. My end product is clearly envisioned and the task to see it through to completion is my new focus.
I will again implore those that read this to entertain thoughts about venturing into this forum for your own mental wellness. While it can be intimidating to share thoughts on subjects that you fear may cause reactions in either direction, the very act of penning the draft and editing for clarity in both message and intent is a process that brought me great satisfaction and happiness. I would wish those same feelings and emotions for you!
Thanks to all who read this post.
Thanks even more to all who have read some of my posts.
To the few that can attest to reading each of the 100 posts I have shared, I would love to repay that effort with the reading of your 100.
Thanks ... And continue to stay safe!
Ah no! I love reading your posts! Please continue Albright with a break as you passion and insight are great to read! Do the chicken soup book as your kids will cherish it!