Wednesday 15 May 2024

Inspiration personified!

This grinning, handsome young man is Nick Vujicic (phonetically it’s pronounced “Vooyi-chich"), and as I have discovered, he's a pretty cool hombre!

I was graced to have Nick's amazing story brought to my attention, and to say that I was touched is a gross understatement because this might very well leave me smiling for a couple of weeks! If you're willing to invest a few minutes in a read and a watch, I'd be shocked if you didn't come away with a similar reaction. 

I want to go on the record that this is PURE GOLD!

While my introduction to Vujicic was in the form of a video, some poking around discovered a variety of sites that filled in the background details about a life that is the epitome of optimism. Yes, life was not always 'sunshine and roses' for this incredible young man, but his choices have created a movement of Love that has to be unparalleled!

Use the scroller to fast forward to 8:00 and you won't be disappointed!
 Yep, you saw that correctly ... Nick Vujicic has no arms or legs! 

In a life spent heavily invested in athletics, the concept of dealing with the day to day without legs and arms (and by default, no hands) is truly mind boggling, and despite an innate confidence in my ability to cope with some sort of accident that might result in the loss of ONE limb, it would not be unfathomable that Nick could have easily chosen to let his affliction spiral him into depression. If you choose to watch one or both of the videos below, you'll see for yourself why he is a true inspiration of resilience.
According to his own web site (CLICK) Aussie-American Nick Vujicic was born in 1982, to the shock of his parents and doctors, without limbs. Vujicic has Tetra-aAmelia Syndrome, a disorder characterized by the absence of arms and legs. Originally, the toes of one of Vujicic's feet were fused, but eventually an operation was performed to separate the toes so that he can use them as fingers. Vujicic refers to this foot as his "chicken drumstick". In spite of his physical limitations, his courage and tenacity for life have caused him to become one of the biggest motivational speakers in the world, known as an expert on resilience and reframing challenges.

Nick has traveled to 78 countries, presenting on 3500 stages, to crowds as large as 800,000 people. He works with education ministries of various nations, live streaming his anti-bullying messaging to youth, and also developed the Attitude Is Altitude Curriculum, helping to enforce values and positive attitudes for Gen Z. Meeting 25 Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Vice Presidents and at the same time addressing rescued human trafficked victims and orphans, Nick has a message of hope for everyone.

You can find this on YouTube under 60 minutes Australia if you wish
a fuller picture of who Nick is and what he's doing with his life.

The original 60 Minutes Australia episode was so popular they did a follow up!

No arms, no worries mate!

This is the mantra of no ordinary man, but of a life force who has turned the unimaginable challenge of navigating the world, despite bearing the profound difficulty of physical limitations that would crush the vast majority of us, proudly wearing a smile while striving to make all around him do the same. Yes, much of his 'preaching' is through the lens of Christianity, but his is a manner of gentle prodding rather than shameless guilt-ridden condemnations of fault. His skillful use of self-concept, paired with a brilliant sense of humour, creates a truth ladened presentation that is mesmerizing, awe-inspiring, and thought provoking.

Following a 30+ year career helping my fellow man, I would assert that Vujicic's video be required viewing at some point in the educational stream, likely best fitting into the grade 10 careers unit. One can't listen to the message and get mired in personal 'problems' of the universe throwing a curveball with Vujicic coming across like a super nova of positivism and resilience. 

If you've made it thus far in this post, I'd venture that your feeling the same eyebrow-raised wonder that I was. How can you not go out and have a good day after all of that?

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