Thursday, 6 February 2025

Band of brothers

Scotty B, Scotty S, + OD
If you've read my musings in the past, you might be aware that I'm pretty gosh darned proud of my years attending Queen's University and representing the Gaels as a member of the Men's Football team from fall of '82 to the fall of '86. In other posts like CLICK and CLICK and CLICK, I talked about my experiences, some of the guys that I shared them with, and the impact that they had on my life. As with any group of similarly aged guys, our hearts have been broken due to tragedies of one form or another, so when the group puts out the call to re-unite, I make every concerted effort to get to wherever it will happen. 

This post is a gratitude letter to those guys, and the photos are from our latest 'breaking of bread' in honour of the holiday season for 2024.

The photo above is (L to R) Scotty Bissessar, Scott Stirling, and Ross O'Doherty. I included it at the top of the post because not only are they 3 mighty fine looking old farts, but it captures the celebratory mood of the day succinctly and completely. Ross (on the right) has become our sherpa, our fearless leader, our Julie the cruise director, the irresistible force that sounds the call to arms for another reunion of our brothers.
Plus, he makes (nudge, nudge Heather) the tastiest Christmas shortbreads this side of Toronto!

For a little background, the football program at Queen's is one of the more successful, storied, tradition-rich of it's kind, and our shared years there did nothing to tarnish that image. We enjoyed more than our fair share of success, but the single greatest unifying factor was a Cinderella run at the Vanier Cup in 1983 where our big yellow hearts (inside joke) fell just seconds short of besting the brawn of the Dinos from Calgary. Despite the sting of falling just shy of that lofty goal, our Vanier experience forged chains of steel that linked our souls for all time. I'm sure the photo to the right has your brow furled ... Thanks to a gaff in translating my 20 year old self's penmanship, I was introduced at the Vanier to the CBC viewership as Stew. Way too funny!

As one of us harkened, we are indeed a 'Band of Brothers'.

Andy, Scotty B, and yours truly
Like any varsity program, those that toiled shoulder to shoulder in the trenches span a swath of years, and as such, we are a group of late 50's to mid 60's distinguished gentlemen who have reached one of Life's great milestones as we transition from working years to retirement. Such a metamorphosis lends a perspective rich in fellowship, connection, and camaraderie. A toast is raised to they that have gone before us, their smiles and gibes sorely missed, and we slip quickly back into the 20-something mindset of our yesteryear to reminisce of the shenanigans, the highlights, and the heartbreaks. There is much laughter, the occasional misty eye, the smiles of connection, and long tight embraces as we wish nothing but the best for our brothers and their families. 

Pete, Ian, and Pete's son
While it is true that we do not spend as many moments together as we would all desire, it is also very true that we shun the sting of absence by quickly embracing the kinship worthy of our Gaelic heritage, sharing both drink and news of our loved ones. It was remarked that day that ours is a connection stronger than the heartiest forged metal thanks to the circumstances surrounding our unanticipated rise to the tip of the football pile, and that was evident once again as those that could attend, did, without hesitation, ignoring the distance.

Connie, Tom, and Rick
I would like my brothers to know how much their continuing friendship means to me, then and now, an influence of epic repercussions, and that I appreciate the role they have played in my becoming the person I am. The lessons we learned cooperatively those many years ago have helped immeasurably as I navigated the peaks and valleys of the life I've lived, and I have dutifully endeavoured to pass their teachings on to those youngsters I coached, that they would share in the glory of connection.

To my brothers ...
I am forever grateful.
I am truly humbled by your continuing friendship.
I sincerely wish you all health, prosperity, and peace this holiday season and the coming year.

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