Wednesday, 16 October 2019

I bleed RED, BLACK and WHITE!

By now you’re likely well aware that I made the jump from teaching elementary to teaching high school, at my alma mater no less! I had a GREAT high school experience! I made loads of friends that I still stay in contact with, played on a bunch of teams that were successful, was mentored by some incredible teachers, and loved that Central Mystique! To cap that off with being hired to teach/coach at Central and experience all of those incredible memories was surreal. As the title indicates, I bleed RED, BLACK and WHITE.

I don’t mind sharing that when the final stroke of the pen sealed the fate of Central, I was not a happy camper. When they ultimately chained the doors for that last day, I felt a big black space inside. I had nothing but incredible memories of Central, memories that future generations would never have an opportunity to get. I have accepted that the decision was made by those in charge of the SCDSB at the time, but I live in Canada and am free to disagree with things that I feel are wrong. I will never forgive that decision … NEVER! I completely understand that buildings wear out and have to be replaced ... I can accept that the BCC structure had to go ... BUT the atrocity of snuffing out a 174 year flame FOREVER with no plan to enshrine those memories, accomplishments or traditions is my own personal purgatory and, IMHO, an act so heinous that I cannot find the requisite forgiveness in my heart.

When Central closed, we were distributed to other schools in the SCDSB, based on our qualifications. I was asked to fill out a form that indicated what schools I would prefer to be transferred to. I had done a great deal of thinking and talked to some friends from other schools to arrive at a short list of choices. Unfortunately, when the first decisions were publicized, I was not chosen for one of those I listed. It wasn’t that the school I was earmarked for was a bad choice, I just wanted to make my final years teaching be as close as possible to the feel I got from teaching at Central. I must have lived a faith-filled life because the fates intervened with an offer of full contract at Barrie North, my number one choice. All I had to do, it turned out, was take over a full time ASD teacher contract. Even though I immediately said yes, there was a wee voice in the back of my head that was aghast. As it would turn out, while not my favourite year of teaching, it was a good experience to have added to the list of interesting times of my life.

I was now a Viking! I didn’t ever think I would say that, after all of those epic battles throughout my Central playing years. TBH, when I arrived that first day of school in September 2016, I have to say that the feel of the staff was pretty close to the feel we had at Central. Sorry, North colleagues, pretty close is not the same thing but HUGE thanks for opening your arms and welcoming me into the fold. It took a while to get used to Green and Gold everywhere. A special shout out to the guys and gals of the HPE department at North … You folks made a tough situation A LOT easier and I will forever be in your debt … Glassman, Simmer, Tammy, Hammy, Maz and Blaker are all A-Okay in my books.

Now, I have to be honest with you, that the transition to North was made Uber easier by having so many of my Central colleagues make the jump with me, not the least of were (a) coaching mate Ron Andrews and (b) Principal Greg Brucker, my old buddy from Central VB and Snow Valley Ski days. Having said that, there was also Drew Forsyth, Jen Campbell, Rich Jessome, Barb Sturrock, Lisa Perry, Marilyn Murray, Mike Ramsay, Jen Weening, Guiliana Potvin and eventually Doug Woods who were familiar faces with a host of shared Central memories.

One of the things that I am not looking forward to in retirement is the inevitable downsizing and, with it, the vetting of 20+ years of RED, BLACK and WHITE clothing. I am quite confident that I could fully outfit a small village with the SWAG I have gathered over the years. Rugby has a saying, “It’s all about the kit!” and we embraced that at Central ... and again at North! I sometimes look into the closet and have fears that I might be turning into a hoarder with the sheer volume of tees, jackets, sweatshirts and such in stacks upon stacks. At some point I am going to have to choose the FAVs to keep and donate/give away the rest … That will be difficult! Truth be told, I wear my Green + Gold Monday to Friday but weekends are all about the Central Mystique, Baby! I’m proud as hell to be a former Redskin + Phoenix! Always have … Always will! “… And when I die, I’ll be Central Dead!”


  1. I miss central and all the old staff and teachers

  2. When most students think back to their high school years, they remember 1-2 teachers that really impacted them if they are lucky. At Central, every single teacher impacted, inspired, and supported us. Even teachers you never had a class with knew your name. Most people who graduate from Central are a unique brand, and have the knowledge, support and confidence to go after their future because of the family the staff and culture at Central provided. Those of us who were born and bred BCC will never forget the impact you all had on us.
