Monday, 30 September 2019

We've reached the end of this last first month!

As September 2019 fades slowly into the past, I'm inclined to pause for a second and re-count the last first month of my final semester at the front of the class. It was the last first day; the last Guidance merry-go-round (over 50% turn-around in Photography??) the last school pictures; the last school Terry Fox Walk+Run; the first of my last set of emergency preparedness drills; the beginning of my last interim reports which will ultimate climax in my last "Meet the Creature" event.

The month has flown by thanks largely to the fun of the experience but also to the well wishes and back-pats of my colleagues. The adults at Barrie North are 1B to my 1A Barrie Central friends and I truly appreciate them for going the extra bit to make the daily escapades of a career in education enjoyable and satisfying. It also helps that my darling wife tolerates my GC State involvement that gobbles up 3 nights a week plus a game somewhere near each weekend.

Today was Friday Sept 30th  but last Friday North's Jr Football team hosted Eastview on our newly opened field. I was there, in the sunshine, camera at the ready, thoroughly enjoying the moment. I love to watch high school sports and, of course, football is one of the best. I dearly love to work the magic with my old Nikon and capture the action of the grunts 'n groans so I can share them with the players. Although North got their collective hearts ripped out when the Wildcats Rouge (silly old Canadian Football) with 3.5 seconds left for the 21-20 win, I can tell you that it really doesn't get any better than cheering my G9 & G10 students on as they have the time of their lives. We're new in our relationship build but the twinkle in their eye when our eyes meet as they notice me watching tells me that they appreciate it. Wait until they see my handiwork ... 'Gram it up, boys!

I find my self looking into the calendar on my iPhone and all the things that are already scheduled in it like home games under the lights at JC Massie Field with GC State (Sat Oct 5 at 7:00 vs Sheridan; Thu Oct 10 at 7:00 vs Humber), the Sr + Jr Girls basketball games (Sr Thu Oct 3 at 3:00 or Thu Oct 17 at 3:00; Jr Thu Oct 3 at 4:30 or Thu Oct 10 at 3:00), the Sr + Jr Football games (Sr Wed Oct 9 at 1:30 or Thu Oct 17 at 1:30; Jr Thu Oct 17 at 3:30) or the last Night of Excellence ceremony. Heck, I'll have to come up with something good for my last Halloween ... I've been a monk, an Arabian prince (no black face though), an English King and even Mr Spock. Hmmmm ... choices, choices, choices.

That last Meet the Creature night will be pretty satisfying. I really and truly enjoy connecting the dots by meeting the parents of the bambinos in my charge. It gives me a greater understanding of who they are, why they do the things they do, plus a deeper understanding of the connection between school and home. RANT ALERT: If only more parents would see the value of connecting with their children's teachers! One of the things that has changed in education over my 30 years is the growing educational disdain that parents visibly exude through words and actions, quickly perceived by their impressionable children. The parents we most need to connect with are the ones that never come ... or return phone calls/emails/texts ... or support our compassionate concern over their children's self-destructive behaviours/habits. The old adage, "It takes a village to raise a child." has morphed into, "Let the village raise the child." as morals, values, empathy, integrity, citizenship are left for the school to teach along with the academic lessons. I'm running out of minutes! RANT OVER!

By the time the end of October rolls around, my last set of midterm reports will be looming, the final semester half over, and the buzz of Christmas will energize my bambinos' minds. How will it feel to return from the holiday break knowing there's such limited time left? The thinking becomes deeper and more reflective every day.

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