A high school friend recently posted this on her FB page. She said it was written by an education acquaintance of hers but didn't include a name. Whomever it was, this is sadly brilliant and tugs strongly on my teacher heart strings, and I thank them for eloquently putting it all into words. As I have written in other posts, the trend toward Teacher Bashing is more prevalent today then ever, and it can hurt a lot. I am keenly aware of the passion and energy so many put into classrooms across Canada and this writing represents the rawest emotions I've read in quite some time.
Dedicated to my fellow educators. We are all at our breaking point. They keep asking for more.
Can you make sure the kids wear a mask in class?
Can you separate them a little more?
Can you make sure they are not playing with anyone outside their cohort?
Can you please sanitize their hands every time they leave the classroom and every time they come back?
Oh and make sure you are sanitizing every computer and every iPad every time a child touches it.
They keep asking for more.
Can you make sure you are providing work for the kids at home?
Can you check in on the kids at home and help them? You can do a Google Meet for each of them individually. Oh that’s while you teach your class. You can find the time, right? Make sure you set it up.
Oh and remember to do attendance for kids working at home.
They keep asking for more.
Just letting you know, there are no supply teachers available so you aren’t going to get planning time because your colleague is sick and you need to cover their class.
Now can you make sure the kids all have good mental health?
They keep asking for more.
Just letting you know that we don’t trust you to distance yourselves from others so we are closing all staff rooms. No you can’t boil a kettle. No you can’t use the microwave.
Where will you eat? Is your car an option?
They keep asking for more.
You must teach this new math curriculum. Oh...no, sorry we don’t have time to train you. You’ve never learned coding? Oh...well figure it out yourself because you have to teach it. Maybe take a course in your spare time. Yes, we know there is a world-wide pandemic. But parents want a new math curriculum now. We aim to please.
They keep asking for more.
Attention! You are switching to synchronous learning. You will teach from home, online, for 225 minutes every day. You can use the rest of your time to plan and create digital content.
...No you won’t be paid for your wifi, hope you have a good plan.
...oh you can’t see your students when you present something on the screen? No you won’t be given a second monitor. You can buy one though. I hear Amazon has good deals....
No, I don’t know how you will parent your young children while you teach. I understand it’s difficult. You can do it. We’re counting on you.
Oh... You didn’t receive training for teaching online? Well we meant to do that so we’ll tell the public you did. I mean you taught yourself, and well, you’re a teacher, so that counts as receiving training. Right? Maybe check out YouTube. I hear there are lots of videos there that could help.
They keep asking for more.
You’re going back to class!
What? We thought for sure that would be enough time. I mean we told you Friday afternoon. That leaves you Saturday and Sunday to plan and prepare. How hard can it be to switch everything from digital to paper?
Now that you’re back in schools we need you to be aware that the new variant can actually transfer through the eye membrane, but don’t worry, we are giving you these $5 safety glasses to wear. You have to wear them at all times. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to teaching through fogged lenses. Make sure to sanitize your hands before you wipe them! No, no I’m sorry your prescription glasses won’t fit under them. You don’t really need your prescription glasses, right?
Now with the worries about the new variant many more of your kids are staying at home. It makes sense, we’re still under a Stay-At-Home order. No...no that doesn’t apply to you. Anyway, make sure you check their attendance every morning. Also, make sure you provide work for them at their individual level.
And check in on them.
And check on their mental health.
And give them feedback on the assignments they complete.
Yes, written on Google Classroom.
Figure out times when you can meet with each of them individually on Google Meet.
Yes while you’re teaching.
They keep asking for more.
Oh, and you need to make sure the kids wear their masks outside now too. The whole time.
And all the kindergarteners, Grade 1s, 2s and 3s will also have to wear their masks.
Yes I know he just turned 4. That’s okay. He will learn.
Oh, he dropped his mask in the toilet?
Well, If he doesn’t have another mask you need to get him one.. don’t you. That’s pretty obvious.
They keep asking for more.
Oh and now we need you to make sure that people aren’t travelling, ok? So we are cancelling March Break. Well ...WE are still taking OUR March Break, but in fairness we have been working VERY hard in-person in the legislature. Yes, yes I know the legislature has not been in session since December 12.
That’s beside the point.
Now we care about your mental health, we really do, but watch your absences, okay, because if you go over 6 for the year then we have a problem. We will need to call the Attendance Support person and we will need to meet with you in front of a panel of people and you will need to supply doctors notes explaining every absence.
They keep asking for more.
Can you just keep the kids safe?
And happy?
And not overwhelmed?
Look after their mental health?
But make sure you’ve taught everything.
And you’ll need to fill in all those gaps in learning caused by the first school closure last year.
Get your 15 kids up to grade level.
Oh... You have 27 kids? Not 15? Hmm.
You have kids working at a Grade 1/2 level? And gifted kids working at a grade 7 level? Some are in class and some are at home learning through Google Classroom?
Well make sure you’re providing the appropriate level of work for each of them.
And posting your assignments on Google Classroom.
And answering parent emails, but please do this on your lunch.
Oh you sanitize the computers on your lunch? Well how long should it take to sanitize 27 computers and return them to the lab? Surely you have time to answer those emails after you return computers.
Yes, well you get 40 minutes. Pee quickly. You know we advise not congregating with your colleagues anyway as this is what has caused all the spread in the schools so it’s best to just stay in your classroom.
Remember, we care about you.
They keep asking for more.
But what they fail to realize ...
like many others in our world today ...
is that we don’t have any more to give.
On behalf of all education workers, my thanks to this beautiful soul for expressing what so many are feeling right now.